1. Can my friend / partner/ spouse participate with me?
No, we prefer that our participants are not known to each other in order to simulate an actual jury panel. If your friend / partner / spouse would like to participate in a different Focus Group session, they can provide us with your Participant Number and you will be sent a $15 Amazon gift card for the referral.
2. How long will the Focus Group session take?
Approximately 3 to 3.5 hours.
3. Will I get paid for my time / participation?
Yes, you will be paid a Participation Fee at the end of the Focus Group session. Participation fees are typically $90 (more if you are driving in from another county).
4. Should I eat before I come to the Focus Group session?
A meal will be provided at the beginning of the Focus Group session. If you have dietary restrictions, you may want to consider bringing your own meal, as we're ordering meals that may be prepared in kitchens that have potential allergens. Examples include Chick-Fil-A, Jimmy John's, etc. However, if you let us know ahead of time, we'll do our best to accommodate any dietary restrictions!
5. When are Focus Groups held?
Typically, they will take place on weeknights. Occasionally, we may have Saturday Focus Groups.
6. How far in advance will I know if I am chosen to participate in a Focus Group?
We should be able to let you know 2 to 4 weeks before the Focus Group. On occasion, we may reach out to you and ask if you would like to participate in one on short notice. If you're not available on that date, we'll put your name back in the hat for another time.
7. How many Focus Group sessions do I have to attend?
Just one. Each session looks at one specific case. See #8 below for information on participating more than once.
8. Can I participate more than once?
Absolutely. Participants who are active, engaging, and respectful to the moderator and fellow participants during the Focus Group session have a standing invitation to participate in future sessions if desired. However, we try to cycle new participants in, as we try to simulate a real jury - which would include people that have never participated in the juror process before. If you don't hear from us for a while and would like to participate again, simply email us at info@bayfocusgroups.com and let us know!
*Note: To get credit for referrals, the person you referred will have to provide us with your full name and/or Participant Number in order for you to receive credit (a $15 Amazon gift card!). Also, the person will need to participate in order for you to receive the gift card. If you've referred someone that you know has participated but you have not heard from us regarding the gift card, please reach out and let us know and we'll be happy to send it.